Batman the brave and the bold episodes
Batman the brave and the bold episodes

batman the brave and the bold episodes

cut short the dark carnival of The Batman and opted to go a sunnier route with The Brave and the Bold in 2008, skeptics high on Christopher Nolan’s blockbuster success The Dark Knight frowned on the idea. The scene in which Magnus’ gold tooth flies out of his mouth and punches one of those dunces, before turning into the hero Gold, is alone worth the viewing. Fearsome future episodes like “ Chill of the Night” promise a return to Batman’s murderous darkness.īut the series also succeeds wildly when its gets stupid funny, which also happens in “The Super Batman of Planet X!” Its opening teaser features Batman and Doctor Magnus, going undercover as a gold-toothed pimp, unleashing the goofy Metal Men on a gaggle of criminal dunces. The Brave and the Bold is a series at the top of its game, from serious episodes featuring compelling new villain Equinox to hilarious ones with Aquaman, Plastic Man and Red Tornado. It’s a clever reversal, and a blast to watch. Just as Batman has done for Superman in various comics and shows. He finally gets a chance to flex his own superhuman muscles and fly, but ends up jeopardizing his integrity and his relationships, leaving Zurr En Arrh’s Batman no choice but to help straighten out his head. But on Zurr En Arrh, Batman is now the alien immortal. On Earth, Batman’s mortality is always a sticking point unlike Superman, he really can get his ass fully kicked.

Batman the brave and the bold episodes